The music of Moussa Cissokho, Jan Galega Brönimann and Omri Hason is a reminisence of the Art of storytelling. The Trio creates a tension of traditional and mordern music from Africa and Europe. The sparkling sound of the Kora (African Harp with 22 strings) meets the warm tone of the Bass Clarinet and the oriental percussion.
World, Jazz, Griot
Galega Brönnimann
bass clarinet, soprano saxophone
kora, vocal
Omri Hason
middle-eastern percussion, Hang
Deutschland Kulturradio
Da sind drei Meister am Werk, die das Wesen der Musik durchdrungen haben und denen es in erster Linie um die Inhalte geht.
Ein nicht alltäglicher Hörgenuss für offene Ohren. Exzellent!
Songlines UK
this trio's debut is fusion of the best kind, although West African music remains it dominant force.